State Board of Technical Education
The diploma in Engineering Examinations was being conducted by the University till 1958. The Diploma Examination in Drawing and Painting and Certificate Examination in Textile Technology were being conducted by the concerned institution. The diploma examination in Shorthand and Typewriting was also being conducted by the University.
During 1957, a Director of Textbook and Examination was appointed and the Directorate of Technical Education was formed only in September 1957 with staff strength below 10. Therefore it was practically not feasible to take over the Diploma in Engineering and other Technical Examinations from the University or from other bodies. So the Technical Examinations were also being allowed to be conducted by the Director of Tex Books and Examinations on behalf of Technical Education Director and the certificates were issued in the name of Technical education Board.
During 1958, Kerala Govt. Technical Examinations (KGTE) was introduced in the place of M.G.T.E subsequently came J.T.S.L.C Courses, P.V.T.C, Kerala Govt. Certificate Examinations (KGVE), Women’s Polytechnic Diploma Courses, Food crafts Technology Courses etc. Many new courses have also being started like Electronics, Diploma in Commercial Practice, Chemical Engineering, Instrument Technology etc. both at Diploma and Certificate level. The conducts of Examination for all these Technical Courses were being also entrusted to the Commissioner for Govt. Examinations on behalf of Technical Education Board as Authorized by the Government.
But later on the imperative necessity of formation of a separate Technical Examination Board under the Director of Technical Education, to conduct all the Technical Examinations was felt very much and after discussions at different levels, Government have agreed to the above proposal of separation of Technical Examinations from the Control of D.P.I and bring it under the control of Director of Technical Education. A separate Post of Deputy Director/Special Officer has been created as per G.O. (RT) NO. 651/77/HH.Edn. Dated 12/04/77 and he has been asked to submit specific proposal for the formation of Technical Examination Wing under the Director of Technical Education